NOTES (at After the trip)

(1) De ontdekkingsreis van Willem Hesselsz. de Vlamingh in de jaren 1696-1697. (The voyage of discovery of Willem Hesselsz. de Vlamingh in the years 1696-1697). Published by G.G. Schilder. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. (2 parts).

(2) Louwrens Hacquebord, Encyclopedia of the Arctic. In: Nuttall, Mark (ed.), Routledge (2012), pg. 2140–2141.

(3) If you are ever looking for a newspaper article, we highly recommend using Delpher. We found newspaper reports in the Amsterdam Courant of August 16, 1698, in Avec privilège de nos-seigneurs les Etats de Hollande et de West-Frise of August 18, 1698 and in the Oprechte Haerlemse Courant on August 19, 1698.

(4) According to the Oprechte Haerlemse Courant of August 19, 1698, de Gent, Boor, Berckel, Leck and Bloys became separated from the ships Santloper, Carthago, Ysselmonde and Shellack. This was caused by fog 1 to 2 days before they entered the Texel roadstead near the place called 't Doggersant.

(5) See the deed of May 3, 1709 by notary Johannes van Vilekens in the Amsterdam City Archives.

(6)  In January 1703, as a former skipper on Oostindien, he bought a house and yard in the Kerkstraat between the Vijzelstraat and Reguliersgracht in Amsterdam, where he was able to enjoy his old age for another seven years. (See in the Amsterdam city archives both archive number 5062, inventory number 77 and DTB Burial register, archive number 5001, inventory number 1070, the pages 108 verso and 109).

(7) See the books about the VOC at the National Archives in The Hague: 1.04.02, 4936, pages 8 and 9 (that is scan numbers 34 and 35).

(8) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of February 23, 1702 with notary Gijsbert van Schoonderwoert.

(9) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of August 23, 1692 with notary Simon van Sevenhoven.

(10) On page 17 under the heading Volkert Jans Tor.

(11) Presumably Hilbrand van der Heijden, because on March 18, 1702 Cornelis also authorized him in this case (before notary Gijsbert van Schoonderwoert).

(12) See the old judicial archives 0003 (4293, pages 15, 16, 17 and 20) in the West Frisian archives in Hoorn. And see here for the transcription (in old Dutch).

(13) With a certain Hendrik van Koolwerf from Hoorn. Not found.

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