In the Netherlands there already is a beautiful novel about the historic journey of Willem de Vlamingh. Readers of all ages are able to come along and experience the discovery of Australia first hand. Kitty Nooy wrote an exciting story based on all the actual data.


Those who are able to read Dutch can send an email to the publisher, and then he will send you a copy (for the normal delivery price and shipping costs): info@flevomedia.nl.

Or take a look at the bookstore of the website of the publisher (Flevomedia in Harlingen).


The author - Kitty Nooy - also translated the story in English herself however, so maybe one day we will find a publisher who is interested to make a book out of this thrilling adventure??

The text on the back of the Dutch book reads:

Willem de Vlamingh was born on Vlieland in 1640. At the end of his career, after having experienced many dangers as a skipper, he faced his most exciting adventure. He was sent out by the famous mayor of Amsterdam, Nicolaes Witsen,  to discover the Great Unknown Land in the South. The VOC lost a lot of ships, which broke up on the coast of a hitherto still unknown country. Willem de Vlamingh was sent there with three ships – the Geelvinck, the Nijptang and 't Weseltje - to see if there were any survivors and to look for loads and loads of many money transported by the shipwrecked boats. Furthermore, he had to map the coast of this foreign land and see if there was anything to be gained for the VOC, such as usable raw materials and trade with the local inhabitants. It's going to be a grueling journey with many dangers, but eventually Willem de Vlamingh discovers the west coast of Australia! That is why every Australian knows the name of this Vlielander and in our eyes he deserves to be famous in the Netherlands as well. Cornelis de Vlamingh, Willem's son who joined him on the expedition, got the surprise of his life during the journey!

This story tells everyone - both young and old - about this exciting journey. Based on true facts. So come on board and become the explorers of Australia with them!

In the background you see the ferry to and from Vlieland that bears the name Willem de Vlamingh

(Look even my hair is thrilled with this new book :-))

If you are able to read Dutch, you can go to my other websites and read a lot of beautiful novels about interesting historian subjects for free