NOTES (at Evertje)
(1) On October 12, 1692.
(2) Although we have not come across her baptism registration anywhere, so the exact date is unknown. It would have been somewhere in the second half of 1694.
(3) To meet the requirements for citizenship of Danzig, he had to bring a credential proving he was not a serf or illegitimate child and that he was of the correct faith (i.e. Catholic, Calvinist, or Lutheran). Peter Jochimsen Pirum and Foppe Oppes, both skippers from Vlieland, came forward as witnesses for Claas Boef.
(4) See the membership book of Vlieland.
(5) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed dated June 25, 1710 with notary Livinius Meijer.
(6) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the quitancy with notary Salomon Dorper on May 6, 7, 8 and following days 1743.

(7) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the bond of Jan van Leeuwen on March 2, 1706 in favor of Evertje Vlaming by notary Gijsbert van Schoonderwoert and the bond of Christiaan Beuning on June 25, 1710 by notary Livinius Meijer.
(8) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of May 11, 1730 with notary Isaac Angelkot.
(9) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of September 30, 1730 with notary Isaac Angelkot.
(10) On October 5, 1730 by notary Isaac Costerus (can be found in the Amsterdam city archives).
(11) See in the Amsterdam City Archives deed of 26 October 1739 by notary Jan Ardinois.
(12) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of November 23, 1742 with notary Godefridus Schaak.
(13) For this entire affair, consult the deeds of July 12, August 28, September 23, October 16 and October 25, 1732 in the Amsterdam city archives with notary Isaak Angelkot, the deeds of March 18 and September 1, 1732 with notary Mattijs Maten de Jonge, the deeds of October 11, 1732, April 22, 1735 and November 10, 1736 with notary Jan Ardinois and the deed of April 26, 1736 with notary Mathys van Son.
(14) Evertje made a whole series of wills, all with Mathys van Son, notary on the Keizersgracht In Amsterdam: October 29, 1736, November 28, 1737, December 20, 1737, March 22, 1738 and December 27, 1739 (all can be found in the city archives in Amsterdam).
(15) It is not entirely clear to us how exactly those family lines run with the Post and Beth families. Nephews named Willem, Cornelis and IJsbrand will probably be related to Evertje's side (or else to her deceased husband Claas Boef).
(16) The wedding took place on April 17, 1744 and the day before they went to notary Mathys van Son (see the Amsterdam city archives).
(17) See last will of December 27, 1739.
(18) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of March 23, 1745 by notary Jan Ardinois.
(19) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of September 15, 1745 with notary Jan Ardinois.
(20) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of October 18, 1745 with notary Jan Ardinois.
(21) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the row of deeds on May 13, 1773 by notary Wessel van Kleef.
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