NOTES (at the Cape of Good Hope)
(1) See the National Archives in The Hague, at the VOC: Register der brieven en papieren van de Cabo de Bonne Esperance overgekomen met de retourvloot in den Jaere 1697 (Register of letters and papers from the Cabo de Bonne Esperance over with the return fleet in the Year 1697) , 1.04.02. - 4037, page 965-966, (that is scan number 151-152).
(2) See the National Archives in The Hague, at the VOC: Register der brieven en papieren van de Cabo de Bonne Esperance overgekomen met de retourvloot in den Jaere 1697 (Register of letters and papers from the Cabo de Bonne Esperance over with the return fleet in the Year 1697) , 1.04.02. - 4037, pages 967-969.
(3) See the National Archives in The Hague, at the VOC: Register der brieven en papieren van de Cabo de Bonne Esperance overgekomen met de retourvloot in den Jaere 1697 (Register of letters and papers from the Cabo de Bonne Esperance over with the return fleet in the Year 1697) , 1.04.02. - 4037, page 969.
(4) See the National Archives in The Hague, about the VOC 1.04.02, Overgekomen brieven (Transferred letters) 4036, page 661 (= scan 709).
(5) See the National Archives in The Hague, about the VOC 1.04.02, Overgekomen brieven (Transferred letters) 4036, page 664 (= scan 712).
(6) See the National Archives in The Hague, about the VOC 1.04.02, Overgekomen brieven (Transferred letters) 4036, page 664.
(7) See page 136 of the book Schippers van de VOC in de achttiende eeuw aan de wal en op zee (Skippers of the VOC in the eighteenth century ashore and at sea) by Jaap R. Bruijn (De Bataafsche Leeuw, Amsterdam, 2008).
(8) See the National Archives in The Hague, about the VOC 1.04.02, Overgekomen brieven (Transferred letters) 4037, pages 1449-1452.
(9) Later still he mainly signs with “C sr Vlaming” (1.04.02. inventory number 4037, page 1451).
(10) ditto, 1.04.02. inventory number 4037, page 1449 (= scan 716).
(11) From a letter dated 19 October from Governor Simon van der Stel in Batavia, to the councils and Heren XVII in Amsterdam. See the National Archives in The Hague, about the VOC 1.04.02, Overgekomen brieven (Transferred letters) 4036, page 662 (= scan 710.
(12) See the National Archives in The Hague, at the VOC: 1.04.02, inventory number: 5435, scan 405.
(13) See the National Archives in The Hague, at the VOC: 1.04.02. inventory number 4037, page 1455-1472.
(14) Not everything can be found via Google, but fortunately experts in this field work in the Scheepvaartmuseum in Amsterdam who could tell us that “ll” stands for libra, which is a pound.
(15) See the National Archives in The Hague, about the VOC 1.04.02, Overgekomen brieven (Transferred letters) 4037, pages 969-991.
(16) See the National Archives in The Hague, at the VOC: 1.04.02, inventory number: 5059, page 25.
(17) See the National Archives in The Hague, at the VOC: 1.04.02, inventory number: 5435, folio number: 50 and 89 (and scan 403).
(18) ditto, scan 402.
(19) On October 23, 1696. For this information, see the Register in the National Archives in The Hague: 1.04.02. - 4037, page 990.

Clerks of the VOC wrote a full report concerning the journey to the Zuydland up till then.
National Archives in The Hague, 1.04.02. - 4037, pages 965-966
Slightly paraphrased it says:
Castle of Good Hope 1696
The Nijptangh arrived in the early morning of Monday September 3. It sailed from Texel on May 3 in the company of the frigate the Geelvinck, the galliot 't Weseltje and the ship de Berkel under commanding skipper Willem de Vlamingh. The first three ships under the aforementioned commanding skipper have set sail to discover and visit the Zuydland, and to travel from there to Batavia. They sailed north of Scotland, got caught in a storm there, after which the Berkel went missing behind the Faroe Islands. The Nijptangh also wanted to call at the islands of Tristan da Cunha, where they arrived on August 12. They found no anchorage and due to the gusts and rain, they decided to sail here on August 16.
Here we read for the first time about the Berkel getting lost in a storm above Scotland! The letters, logs and registers contradict each other sometimes, for as we saw earlier, the Berkel stayed close to the other ships for a whole month.
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