(1) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC the section Opvarenden (Passengers), 5360, p.219. ( 5360 Noord(ster): Grootboek en journaal, 1687; Snoeper: Grootboek en journaal, 1688 - 1689; Vlaming: Grootboek en journaal, 1688 - 1689 (starts at page 166); Alida: Grootboek, monsterrol en journaal, 1690 - 1691; Engel Michael: Grootboek en journaal, 1690 - 1691 1687 - 1691 1687 - 1691)
(2) See at the National Archives in The Hague under Uitgelopen schepen (Ships that went away): 4932 'Uitloopboekje', a list of ships that sailed for the VOC (page 158).
(3) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC the section Overgekomen brieven en papieren (Transferred letters and papers), 1459, p.206-207.
(4) See ARSIP Nasional Republik Indonesia ( Marginalia to the Daily Journals, file 2505, folio 795-796.
(5) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC the section Overgekomen brieven en papieren 1.04.02, inventory number: 1457C, (Gaterne: Batavia Page 1126). (=p.561).
(6) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC the section Overgekomen brieven en papieren 1.04.02, inventory number: 1457C, (Gaterne: Batavia Page 1132). (= p. 583).
(7) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC the section Overgekomen brieven en papieren 1.04.02, inventory number: 1457C, (Gaterne: Batavia Page 1127). (=p.563)
(8) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC the section Overgekomen brieven en papieren 1.04.02, inventory number: 1457B, (Gaterne: Batavia Page 667-668). (= p.225-228)
(9) See the online database of ARSIP Nasional Republik Indonesia, the archives of the Governor-General and the Councils of India K66a, file 2505, folio 934.
(10) See Delpher in the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of 1 June 1690.
(11) 3.03.01, inventory number 5123 (pages 101 to 105).
(12) In December 1689, for example, this privateer captain from Middelburg caught three French ships. See the Oprechte Haerlemse Courant of 27 November 1689 (found via Delpher of course).
(13) See the book Het model van het fregat “Geelvinck” (1696-2001). (The model of the frigate “Geelvinck” (1696-2001)) by Ton Pronker from 2008, page 12.
(14) See page 147 of the book Schippers van de VOC in de 18de eeuw aan de wal en op zee (Skippers of the VOC in the 18th century ashore and at sea) by Jaap Bruijn (Amsterdam, De Bataafsche Leeuw, 2008).
(15) According to the VOC's Uitloopboek, there were indeed 250 Coppen on board this time (see: the National Archives in The Hague: 1.04.02 Inventory of the archives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), 1602-1795 (1811), Inventory number 4932, page 165.
(16) We read this information in an article by C. Hall from 1969 entitled Navigator de Vlamingh - slandered and forgotten. In: Walkabout (January): 36-38, which the librarian of the West Australian Museum promptly forwarded to us when we asked, enthusiastically stating they were glad people on the other side of the world were using their catalogue!
(17) See the book Ongeluckig, of droevigh verhaal van ‘t schip de Gouden Buys 1695. (Unlucky, or sad story of the ship de Gouden Buys 1695). Introduced and commented by Marieke van Gessel and Andrea Kieskemp (Terra Incognita, Amsterdam University Press, 1995).
(18) See at the National Archives, 1.04.02, inventory number 4969 Instruction And Information For Water Workers 1695.
(19) In addition to the Merestein, this Christmas fleet consisted of the ships Berkel, Handboog, Drie Kronen, Roskam, Schulp and Spare.
According to the information on the VOC site, Willem de Vlamingh sailed on the outward journey for the VOC chamber of Amsterdam and only on the return journey for the chamber of Enkhuizen:

(20) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC: 1.04.02, inventory number: 5409, p.284-285.
(21) See at the National Archives in The Hague under VOC: 1.04.02, inventory number: 5409, p.272.
(22) See the entry about Willem de Vlaming in the extensive online database of ARSIP Nasional Republik Indonesia: Marginalia to the Daily Journals, file 2513, folio 640-643.
(23) See entry on September 24, 1694 in ARSIP: Marginalia to the Daily Journals, file 2513, folio 642.
(24) See entry on September 24, 1694 in ARSIP: Marginalia to the Daily Journals, file 2513, folio 657 (for the cargo see folio 642-643).
(25) An entire book has been devoted to the disastrous journey of this famous ship from 1693: Ungeluckig, or sad story of the ship de Gouden Buys, 1695. An Enkhuizer VOC ship runs aground in southern Africa. (Unfotnunate or sad story of the ship the Golden Buys, 1695. An Enkhuizer VOC ship runs aground in southern Africa). Introduced and commented by Marieke van Gessel and Andrea Kieskamp (Amsterdam, Terra Incognita Foundation, 1995).
(26) See entry on September 24, 1694 in ARSIP: Marginalia to the Daily Journals, file 2513, folio 747. (27) idem, folio 769. (28) In addition to the Merestein, this return fleet consisted of the ships Koning William, Vosmaer, 't Huys te Loo, Waddinxveen, de Krab, Drie Kronen and 's Lands Welvaren.
(29) See in the Amsterdam City Archives the deed of 23 December 1695 at notary Michiel Servaes.
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