NOTES at Willem the family man
(1) The website of the Amsterdam city archives states that many cedulles of burghers have been preserved in their Personalia collection and we also found the name of Willem Hessels de Vlamingh there (inventory number 1920), so our expectations were high, but it was an article from 1974. It was about a memorial monument that the residents of Cottesloe had erected that year in memory of the journey of Willem de Vlamingh. --->
(2) Willem GERRITSZ de Vlamingh van Vlieland is listed as a taxpayer in the Kohler. Unfortunately, we have no idea how these two persons are related. However, given the many deeds that can be found in the city archives of Amsterdam about this Willem Gerritsz Vlamingh, the patronym Gerritsz is not a clerical error. Just like our Willem, Willem Gerritsz Vlaming did business with Jan Gerritsz Ouwekees (see the deed of 2 March 1676 at the notary Jan Volkaertsz Oli).
(3) See the deed dated 23 February 1702 at the notary Gysbert van Schoonderwoert in the Amsterdam City Archives.
(4) With thanks to the informative books De lage zijde (The low side) by Ben Stenekes and Jan Houter (Flevodruk Harlingen, 2016), and De Hoge Zijde (The high side) by Beam Duurentiidt (pseudonym of Ben Stenekes) from 2005.
(5) Nowadays this is almost the last house in the Dorpsstraat on the left side of the village, but in those days the street continued a little further towards the lighthouse.

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