NOTES (on Willem the whaler)

(14) See in the 38th volume of the Economic and Social Historical Yearbook (The Hague, Martinus Nijhof, 1975) the article Jonas vrij from Dr.J.R. Bruijn and C.A. Davids (page 171). One can find a copy of this book and article in the library of the Westfries Archief in Hoorn.

(15) Check for example page 924 of Nicolaes Witsen's book Tartarye.

(16) Check if you please page 903 of Nicolaes Witsen's book Tartarye.

(17) A fathom is an old measure of length. Stand with spread arms: the distance between your hands is now exactly the length of 1 fathom.

(18) The quote goes further by saying this can also be seen in the book called De konst der Stuur-luiden (The art of navigators) by VOC adviser and teacher Dirk Rembrantsz van Nierop. So the measurements of young skipper Willem de Vlamingh made it to a book, dated from 1687.

(19) That is the reason why we come across the name of Willem de Vlamingh all the way in the city archives of Rotterdam! See the deed of September 12, 1664 of notary Jacob Delphius.

(20) Resolution of the States General of Holland on April 13, 1596.

(21) In Dutch, this island is called Nova Zembla. By Nicolaes Witsen consistently written as Zemla, which sounds more simmilar to the English pronounciation of Novaya Zemlya.

(22) For example, he found a lot of crystal on the top of a white mountain, which he then called the Crystal Mountain (Tartarye, p.926).

(23) See page 924 of Nicolaes Witsen's book Tartarye.

(24) Resolutions of the States General of Holland 23 and 28 July 1664 and 16 December 1664.

(25) See the Resolutions of the States General of January 22, 1665.

(26) See page 901 of Nicolaes Witsen's book Tartarye.

(27) See page 922 of Nicolaes Witsen's book Tartarye.

(28) See the Groot Placaetboek, volume 3, page 291.

(29) See the Groot Placaetboek, volume 3, page 291 and 292.

(30) See the Groot Placaetboek, volume 3, page 292 and 293.

(31) See C. de Jong's South African dissertation, Geschiedenis van de oude Nederlandse walvisvaart, deel twee (Bloei en achteruitgang 1642-1872). [In translation this means as much as History of the old Dutch whaling industry, part two (Rise and Fall 1642-1872)]. University of South Africa in Pretoria, 1978.

(32) It seems there once were lists with detailed information about which commander on what ship sailed for whatever shipowner, even with data about when the ship returned and how much bacon, cod liver oil, whalebone and barrels there were on board. How we wish we had known this kind of information about Willem de Vlamingh!! Maybe one day these lists will surface... (Look at my Dutch website for a Dutch and a German reference to these sources).

(33) Marieke Mak of the Municipal Archive in Zaanstad was kind enough to scan their copy for us.

(34) See the Groot Placaetboek, volume 3, page 295.

(35) Anyone who wants to learn more about the events on August 19 and 20 of the year 1666 should read with relish the beautiful books published about this long forgotten tragedy. Unfortunately, they are available in Dutch only. Firstly, a scientific work that was awarded the Lutine Prize: 1666. De ramp van Vlieland en Terschelling (= 1666. The disaster of Vlieland and Terschelling). Anne Doedens and Jan Houter. Publisher Van Wijnen - Franeker, 2014. Second, a readable public book: 1666. Het Vlie brandt (1666. The Vlie is burning). Anne Doedens and Jan Houter. Uitgeverij Van Wijnen - Franeker, 2014. And finally a beautifully illustrated historical novel for young and old: De ramp van 1666 (The disaster of 1666). Kitty Nooy. Publisher Flevomedia Harlingen, 2014.

(36) In addition to Louis Quickelenburch, these are Isaack Jan Nijs, Gerard de Leeuw and Louis Craijers.

(37) See in the 38th volume of the Economisch en sociaal historisch jaarboek (the Economic and Social Historical Yearbook), Den Haag, Martinus Nijhof, 1975. In this book the article Jonas vrij from Dr.J.R. Bruijn and C.A. Davids (pages 167-168).

(38) These shipowners also meet somewhere around March 19 or 20, 1669 at the notary Gerrit Steeman. This has something to do with the division of the ships. We read about 3/16th part of the Arent, 3/16th part to the galliot De Witte Valck and 3/16th part to the galliot De fenicx. The rest of the deed is badly damaged. (See the notarial deeds 5075, 2625A, page 91 in the Amsterdam City Archives).

(39) The shipowners were not lucky this time either, because De Jonge Prins with skipper Claes Schoon ran aground in the Vlie as soon as it sailed out. See the deed of May 17, 1669 at the notary Adriaen Lock (in the city archives of Amsterdam).

(40) These last two conclusions are in any case drawn for the period 1660-1664 in the article Jonas vrij by Dr.J.R. Bruijn and C.A. Davids (pages 173 and 176). See part 38 of Economisch en sociaal historisch jaarboek  (the Economic and Social History Yearbook), The Hague, Martinus Nijhof, 1975.

(41) See at the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of July 23, 1671.

(42) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of September 29, 1674.

(43) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of 9 May 1675.

(44) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of August 22, 1675.

(45) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of 20 August 1675.

(46) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of 29 August 1675.

(47) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of September 14, 1675.

(48) See at Delpher de Haegse post-tydinge of October 1, 1675.

(49) See at Delpher the Amsterdamse Courant of 8 October 1675.

(50) See at Delpher the Amsterdamse Courant of 8 October 1675.

(51) In various sources Willem is referred to as a whaler in 1675 and 1677, with as proof a note from the notarial archive of the Amsterdam City Archives (inventory number 1523, fol.186). Beware, this is about Willem Gerrits Vlamingh!

(52) See in the 38th volume of the Economisch en sociaal historisch jaarboek (the Economic and Social Historical Yearbook), Den Haag, Martinus Nijhof, 1975, the article Jonas vrij from Dr.J.R. Bruijn and C.A. Davids (page 160). There was a period when the Frisians and residents of the Wadden Islands were relatively strongly oriented towards Amsterdam for seafaring (see pages 172-173).

(53) Ditto, page 145.

(54) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of August 14, 1677 (Willem arrived in Amsterdam on August 12. There was always a little delay in reporting).

(55) Louwrens Hacquebord, Encyclopedia of the Arctic. In: Nuttall, Mark (ed.), Routledge (2012), pages 2140–2141.

(56) Zeilvaart Lexicon van J. van Beylen.

(57) See the deed dated 23 January 1678 at the notary Adriaen van Santen in the Amsterdam City Archives (folio 101 to 125). This is actually a copy of a deed from civil-law notary Simon Oosterhoorn in Zaandam, which does not seem to have been preserved.

(58) See at Delpher the Amsterdamsche Donderdaeghse Courant of October 21, 1677.

(59) See at Delpher the Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant of 23 and 25 December 1677.

(60) See page 34 of the book De lage zijde by Ben Stenekes and Jan Houter (Flevodruk Harlingen, 2016).

(61) See the article Joerde-boeg og mandtal ofuer Nordmend og Finner udj Ost og -West Findmarchen Saa og Paa grentze Finnerne for Anno 1694. In: Finnmark omkring 1700, written by Martha Brock Utne and O. Solberg (Oslo, 1938, pages 41-42). After a long, long search, we received a scan from the Bibliothek der Humboldt of the University of Berlin via the International Library Loan.

(62) Author C. de Jong claims in his Geschiedenis van de oude Nederlandse walvisvaart (History of the old Dutch whaling industry) Willem worked for a Rotterdam shipping company - hence the reference in the text to a Willem de Vlamingh from Rotterdam.

(63) These vicissitudes have been told by sailors to Nicolaes Witsen, who has written them down in his Tartarye.

(64)  See page 15 of De ontdekkingsreis van Willem Hesselsz. de Vlamingh in de jaren 1696-1697 (Willem Hesselsz de Vlamingh's The Voyage of Discovery in the years 1696-1697). Written by G. G. Schilder. (The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976).

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