This probably concerns the following group of merchants:


1) Guilielmo Van der Voort, a merchant from Amsterdam (usually the first to sign);

2) His brother Gio Van der Voort. These are both brothers-in-law of Pieter de la Court (through his second marriage to Catharina Van der Voort);

3) Jan van Weert, a merchant from Amsterdam;

4) Nicolaes Vis or Visch, probably a shipowner of the Greenland fahrers from Zaanland;

5) and finally Pieter de la Court, an industrialist and political economist from Leiden. Pieter de la Court had influential connections, so he always kept abreast of what was decided in the meetings of the States General or the States of Holland (or in committees)! One of these relationships was with his cousin Johan de Wit (the most powerful man in the Republic).


They were assisted by lawyer Mr. J. Wtenhage, who represented their interests at the States General.


See: De Noord-Oostelijke doorvaart naar China, Medegedeeld door J.C. Overvoorde (The North-Eastern Passage to China, Communicated by J.C. Overvoorde). In the magazine: Bijdragen en Mededeelingen van het Historisch Genootschap (= Contributions and Communications of the Historical Society). Part 47 (1926).