For years I did research on Willem de Vlamingh for my dear friend, Jan Houter, who lived on Vlieland and loved everything about it. We tried to find the exact date Willem de Vlamingh died, but did not succeed. In the proces, we did find all kinds of other new information about this man who "discovered" (*) West-Australia. Now we just reveal it all online and hope to please others with our new found information. Including links to the used sources, as much as possible, to make further research in the future more easy.
Remember, we are Dutch, so our English is wobbly. We tried our best and hope you at least know what we mean if we have typo's or use incorrect grammar. Questions and remarks are welcome (see the contact page). Enjoy!
A small impression of many happy hours of research
We would like to dedicate this website to all archives throughout the Netherlands, where highly motivated and skilled employees have always contributed ideas with great enthusiasm and where an unprecedented treasure of information is stored. Let's preserve these archives in gratitude!

Boxes waiting for me at the City Archive in Amsterdam to be researched

Just look how thick soms of these books are (this one book consists of a thousand pages of parchment alone)

A car just for me, full of new material to dug into (at the National Archive in den Hague)

Work in progress, sitting on the floor, with all kinds of copies around me - a table just would not do :-)

This one has NOTHING to do with Willem de Vlamingh, but just look at the beautiful handwriting!!
This website is originally in Dutch, made in Holland by Kitty Nooy
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